Wessex Trainees' Airway Prize 2011
Open to all Wessex anaesthetic trainees on airway related case reports, surveys, audit or research.
The six finalists oral presentations were made at the department CGM meeting on the 8th June 2011 at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth. The presenters were :-
- Dr Sharon Avery
- Dr Wendy King
- Dr Shiny Shankar
- Dr Andrew Lumley
- Dr Savini Wijesingha
- Drs Patrick Tapley and Henry Nash
The winner was Dr Savini Wijesingha who presented a case report on the difficulties encountered following extubation on intensive care of an individual who had undergone radical neck surgery.
£100 and free attendance at PAWS 2011 (worth £175).
Click here to download.
For further details please contact
Dr Denise Carapiet or Dr Kathy Torlot
Department of Anaesthesia
Queen Alexandra Hospital
PO6 3 LY
Tel: 02392 286298